Thursday, July 10, 2008

God and Religion are not connected!!

I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting. But it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously. Don't confuse yourselves, its not that I don't believe in God, I believe in my perception of Him and trust my conscience in any case. Its just that Religion is not what its made out to be. I'm spiritual, not religious. Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?

Lets get right down to the point. Religion is the biggest most commonplace con ever created by man. No matter what we say, what we think or what we are trained to believe, the simple truth out there is that Religion is a man made Tool. It was created with the sole purpose of crowd control.

How is Religion the best method for crowd control? Think about it from a basic point of view, as an outsider just observing a phenomenon and idea without a biased or predetermined opinion. When people are generally thinking along the same line, i.e. when their thoughts are aligned on the same track, they are more amicable. When some person comes face to face with people who have the same train of thought they are more likely to listen to that person. As opposed to facing off with a person of a differing opinion.

Somewhere down the History timeline, some incredibly intelligent person must of thought of an amazing technique to get people to think on one similar thought. This thought later progressed into a belief. This belief was finally documented and glamourised into Religion. The Religion we know today is nothing more than a work of fiction created to bring people together and keep them under control and on a tight leash. What better way to bring people together and keep them controlled under one singular banner than to put the fear of God in them? Its religion that made God a person(entity) to fear.

Apart from making up rules for people to live and die by, religion created something that people at that time would look up to. Religion and God was a pure thing until some people, in the now Catholic Church, realised that by personifying God and saying his Son walked on Earth alongwith us mortals so as to "enlighten" us to the ways of the divine One, they could get people to follow strict guidelines. Before this God was a supreme being, an entity in the heaven which never communicated with us directly but chose the means of natural signs and Oracles. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the Gods in their true form. As celestial objects not for us mortals to understand or fathom. They believed that when the time was right all would become clear. History and time would take its course and God would explain all things. This was a time when Science and Religion had a chance to survive side-by-side.

Until Jesus came along, all was well and good, and headed on the right path. Now don't get me wrong here, im not an Anti-Christ or a Heretic of any sort, I just believe that the truth should be put out there for all to see. The idea that ONE person was chosen out of a possible 2 Billion other humans to enlighten the most part of the world which was discovered at that time is simply preposterous. Now remember this is a time when people BELIEVED the world was flat, and that if lightning struck then it was Zues and his impeccable aim. Don't you think that if God actually did communicate with a person, and actually had a problem with science, he would clear everyone's minds by pointing out the world was actually round and lighting was a simple electrical phenomenon. Why would he go about and tell people not to fornicate or want money?

If the 10 Commandments were actually written on stone by God himself, why dint he include one in there to specify cannibalism and holy war? Was the stone to small or did He lack foresight?

The problem we see these days is different religions at loggerheads. Islam declaring war on Christianity in reply to Christianity trying to wipe out Islam from Jerusalem(remember the Crusades?). We see Hindu's and Muslims trying to kill each other while the Chinese are happy with worshiping nature and its forces. The reason we see this is because all these Religions were never meant to mix.

All Religions and God-followers were relatively local phenomenon until trans-continental traveling was discovered. Thats when all the problems began, with all the missionaries and expeditions to convert people to their religion. Let me quote myself here: I don’t like the idea of missionaries. In fact the whole business fills me with fear and alarm. I don’t believe in God, or at least not in the one we’ve invented for ourselves to fulfil our peculiar needs, and certainly not in the ones they’ve invented in America who supply their servants with toupees, television stations and, most importantly, toll-free telephone numbers. I wish that people who did believe in such things would keep them to themselves and not export them to the developing world. Something in the selling of religion is inherently disturbing. The fact that some person would go door-do-door selling a belief(i wont call it a faith, since that would be patronizing a non-existent entity) which he/she has either a. willingly accepted, b. has been told by parent/guardian/educator to accept or c. been forced into by some series of fortunate/unfortunate/non-relevant circumstances. However that person may have come to follow his religion/belief/faith is his and his business alone. It, by no means, gives said person (missionary) to come parading his religion and trying to make a sale at my doorstep.

This is like asking a Britney Spears fan to join the Metallica fan club and on top of that trying to imprint on this person that Britney is the source of all his problems and that by listening to Metallica all his problems will magically disappear. Its ridiculous, if instant conversion meant instant gratification, there would be no such thing as hell.

Now back to the "Local Phenomenon" point. All places needed some banner for people to unite under, so each Religion decided to create one entity to whom God had spoken, the Christians had Christ, the Muslims had Prophet Muhammad, the Jews took Moses. All these people became sort of Local celebrities, and their influence only extended upto their community. When trans-continental travel was created, all these religions decided to branch out to get more recruits, thats when all the problems began and they still persist. If each religion had stayed in its local zone, these problem would never have arisen, imagine the number of conflicts humanity could have averted, the Crusades, Israel/Palestine conflict, Hindu/Muslim wars, World War II.

What I'm trying to say, in the middle of the night, in an extremely round-about way is; Religion lost its essence and purpose of bringing people together when it branched out, when people saw something opposing the ideal imbibed in them since birth, it created conflict, problems and worries. No one will stand and listen if you tell them that their opinion and belief is baseless when theirs in equally stupid, its equivalent to a kid with one arm making fun of a kid with one leg, both are disabled but each think that they are better off.

Endword and Apologies:

Sorry for the long post, but if you've skipped parts of the post without reading the whole body, please regain patience, time and grace; scroll up and read the whole thing.

Excuse me for all the different religions mentioned in this post and for such a brash post. Some people(zealots) may not like this post, but there will always be people too blocked in their mind to open their eyes and look about.

This post is my view point, its my belief. Whatever the readers belief might be, I'm not exactly opposed to it, its your belief after all. But I only wish you read again with an open mind.

P.S.> This would not be a good place to issue death threats by my name, or damn me to hell or warn of bodily harm. Your belief is yours and yours only. My view is mine and mine only. I'm not trying to impose my views on you, I hope you do not aim to do the same.
Listening to: Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Around The World
via FoxyTunes


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. niiice ... very well written .. m impressed :P

    especially d part abt britney n metallica ...

    if ur interested in such topics ... i gues u mustve already read the god delusion by richard dawkins .. if not .. its quite gud .. n so r god's debris n d religion war by scott adams ...


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