Thursday, September 4, 2008

Know what you do.

Which person is worse? The one who unintentionally causes pain to people or the one who knowingly causes pain? Some people argue that such a question doesn't exist. There can be no doubt in people's mind that the latter is more guilty. This is such a pre-formed opinion. Can't we examine this for a moment.

A person who unintentionally hurts someone, can never be in control of the amount of pain he causes someone. The level of hurt might be on a large scale and can possibly go out of control. Bridges might be burnt and what was might never be.

Whereas the person who knows who he is hurting and why, such a person can manage to control the level of pain caused. Maybe even reduce the pain caused to a more human level. I'm not considering such a sadistic person who can knowingly hurt someone just for the pleasure or joy of it. I'm just considering some person who has to hurt someone in the course of a natural decision(as mentioned in the last post).

What I'm trying to say is, under a number of circumstances, if you knowingly hurt someone, it might be the more humane thing to do. People might pass a judgement and say this write-up is just a means of allaying a guilty conscience. Maybe it is. But if you actually think about it, wouldn't knowing how and to what extent you hurt someone,

All I want to know is, does the knowledge of hurting someone help in the healing process more than the comfortable illusion of not hurting anyone?

Now playing: Metallica - Fade To Black
via FoxyTunes

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