Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Over compensation

So Facebook has 56 genders now? We really are fucking with today's generation. I'm not being a sexist or genderist (doesn't exist), but do we need to over-classify our choices so much? I don't care if you dress up in a pink skirt and play hopscotch with the neighbours husband before sucking each other off and going to bed. It doesn't matter and it shouldn't to anyone else.

But this is just straying too far from the windmill. 56 genders? Really? When we were kids, we were told that half the world is women, the other half is men. It's only when hijda's came along that we even considered the third gender. That's derogatory by the way. Third gender. Using that word makes it seem like the losing fraction of the world. Okay then, what's the first gender? Men or women? Can't tell, can you? Then why the fuck does it matter? I mean, if discrimination is a human instinct does it matter if you are second or third? Or fucking 56th?

I really think we're going too far with this shit. I'm getting tired of 5 synonyms of the word Transgender. The syllables are too many and the fucking words have become so stretched out that there's abbreviations being used like MTM and FTM and CTG. And here's the thing. Most of these terms are simply synonyms. Which means they are one of those annoying words in the dictionary that would make you flip a hundred pages to find the exact meaning.

Transgender (see Neosexual)

Ok. Let's find that... N... nag... neo..,

Neosexual (see. Transsexual)

Sonofa... okay... T... transpa... transpo...

Transsexual (see. Two Spirit)

Mother fucker.

Okay, I understand that we need synonyms. I mean, how else would writing be interesting ? But, it's a gender. This is classification of the species we're talking about. And you are literally confusing the fucks out of us Facebook. I started feeling a little queer after reading that list. It's just so ill defined, that you might think you fall into a category. Especially if you are about 13 years old in today's world.

At that age, we were easily influenced weren't we? I mean, if Rohan suggested pissing off the flyover, we pissed off the flyover. And we're all just starting to look for ourselves, aren't we? Am I like my father? Am I really attracted to that girl? What are those two sensitive things hanging under the sausag-ey thing? What happens if I play with it? Then along comes the newspaper with 56 things that you might be. Out of which some will obviously seem repulsive, flinching at what he doesn't understand is natural to a child. Hence anyone who chooses a few options will be judged. A 13 year old won't know any better.

Think about it. This isn't sexual orientation we are talking about. It's gender. It's the box you tick in every form. It's what classifies you. Do you really need 56 options for that swoosh? I don't think you even need two. Because that's what causes discrimination, isn't it? Options? I say remove all the options and just keep one label. One gender. Human.

Because that's what we all are. Under the chiffon dresses covering hairy bellies, under leather whips and gimp suits, that's who we are. Human beings. With boobs, poonanis and penises. So let's just fuck all those options, fuck who we want, how we want and stop worrying about gender. For anyone who thinks they need all those options to decide their own gender, I say - take a peek in your pants and a look in your porn folder. Then tick by your genitalia and live by your adult collection. If anyone asks, say Homo sapiens and move the fuck on with your life.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My highness

don't you see
what you do to me
you goddamn fool
just say these little phrases
that somehow let you rule
this kingdom i once
used to call my own
now look at you there
seated on the throne

you are my reason, my liege
the tower within my walls
there can no longer be a siege
i surrender all the wars

don't you see
how i see you
my queen and overlord
i write odes
to your praises
not caring if they are flawed

you are the sun to my frenzy
like Icarus i am mad
i can hear you whisper to me
and for that voice i am glad