Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Lead India

I found myself utterly and completely bored out of my skull. So i happened to come across a very ancient tome of scientific "knowledge", The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Yes, i accept ive stumbled upon this book a bit late for most people considered, but better late than never.

So i decided to post in my blog for once about this revolutionary book and some parts of it which have actually touched me, not in the physical plane but skimming at the emotional surfaces. For those of you who haven't read this book as yet, please go and get a copy. Trust me you wont be at all let-down in any manner. The book's premise itself is the most amusing theme ive ever come across; the destruction of the earth to make way for an intergalactic bypass. And then as you go further on you discover intresting bits of trivia, like the Earth being actually a 10 million year old supercomputer with the sole purpose of calculating The Question To The Ultimate Answer, and how humans are only the third most intelligent life-form on earth.

It goes without saying that you need to keep your brain on the back-burner if you thoroughly wish to enjoy this book. Its full of such nonsensical ideas that they eventually all fall into place and then you start thinking - What if? And this is where all the problems start and incidentally also where they shall end. Well you'll know what i mean if you do go on and pick up the book.

Now here ive come across a slight problem, haven't I? I seem to have written more of a book review than a proper blog, and in the way ive lost the whole reason i set out to make this post. It was to quote a simple and effective paragraph in the book which successfully throws light on why the current political situation is in dire straights. Yes a science-fiction-comedy-suspense book is hardly the place for political awakening, but who am i to overlook when the idea itself is so appealing.

So here is the theory that i came across, which had me thinking about the causes of the world's current problem's and interestingly about the importance of the current Lead India campaign.

> There's a theory in the Hitchhiker's Guide that mentions why the President of the Galaxy has to be a mere face and why the Ruler of the Universe is a retarted old man with the memory span of a goldfish.
It quite simply states the reason to be somewhere along these lines :

Ultimate power will surely corrupt a single individual, and whoever strives for it is sure to be corrupted to reach such a position of power in the bureaucracy, it has thus been observed that whoever wishes to rule the world can never be fit to do so as his judgement will be clouded by his want for his seat of power i.e. his want of ruling the world.
However, if there ever is such an individual who can rule the world uncorrupted is one who does not wish to rule the world in the first place, only then can a person be free of corruption and take a correct decision in the right direction. Now the problem here is that if he has to be free of corruption then he should never WANT to rule the world.
Herein lies the biggest problem of the universe, whoever wants to rule the world can never be considered fit to do so, and whoever is fit and qualified enough to rule the world will never want to rule it in the first place.

Thus what we have in the political system right now is number of bumbling corrupt old men who want power and hence cannot be qualified to hold it, and those who do not crave for power will never enter the political field.

Lookat this theory and now look at the highly effective Lead India campaign, and you can see how these become relevant, and now we realise how the campaign in itself becomes vital to the faith of the people in the political system.

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