Saturday, October 18, 2008

Flashback of a Fool.

A few days back, I was at a friends place, a party. And everyone was happily drunk/high. As is normal procedure at such get-togethers, the conversation shifted to some deep and philosophical topic. This time particularly, it shifted to relationships. As everyone was putting up little tid-bits about their relationship experiences, I suddenly found myself going back to a conversation I had with one of my ex's.

It was not much of a monumental conversation, I just remembered it for how pissed it made the poor girl, and with right reason. Lets call her 'A' for the sake of anonymity.

A: Vi, will you love me forever?

Me: Define 'forever'.

A: Until the end of time, baby?

Me: All time or our lifetimes?

A: Till all of time.

Me: But what if time isn't real? What if its just an illusion created in our minds just to keep us sane? What if time doesn't really exist?

A: Vi, I'm leaving you.

She didn't really leave me though. Just mighty pissed at how monumentally stupid I can get when faced with a question about commitment.

Love makes me do stupid things.

Not being in love, avoiding it.

Now playing: Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful
via FoxyTunes

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