Have I written about this already? I'm not sure. But I feel this fear coming onto me as I stand at a crossroads in life. On one hand, a chapter of my life is coming to an end, again. On the other, a whole new chapter is probably going to open up. At this point, the question that's crossing my mind every now and then is; what comes next?
Every human being has a fear of the unknown. And it is our ability to choose what we do when faced with it, is what defines us. We can choose to march confidently into the unknown or we can extend it, escape it, avoid it as long as we don't have to accept it. I'm worried about what choice do I make. I know I must accept it, for me the unknown holds my future. And like the great Morisson said, the future's not set and the end is always near.
In this situation the end is within sight, a mere turn of the corner away, and I stand here perplexed and afraid of whats around that proverbial corner of my life. Maybe I'm stupid. Maybe I'm just blind. Maybe, just maybe, I want to turn around and run. But there is a simple truth that I must face. Whatever is around that corner, will come back to some time or the other. I will after some time be standing at a new crossroads of life, and I'll have to take another turn. How many times can I avoid this change? How long will I keep trying to escape the unknown?
Even now, as I write this, I know the decision I have to make. Till now I've prided myself on being a logical and straight-forward human being. All my thinking and logic should make this choice easy, but then why do I hesitate? Why can't I accept this change like many people around me have? Is it instinct? Because at some level I can sense what is going to happen. Is it fear? Because I know I'm afraid of it. Or maybe, its just plain stupidity! I'd feel happier if this was the case. But its not.
I cannot explain why I'm trying to avoid this change that I should accept. The closest I can come to is the one explanation that doesn't really make me feel better. I am afraid of the unknown. But, unless I face it, I will never know if I'm strong enough. Unless I charge into the unknown I will never realise what it is, what it means to my life and what it means to me. In the end, I realise that everything in life changes. I have gone through these changes before, I've marched into the dark unknown, and I must do it again, like millions before me.
There is a time to make a decision and stand by it. I made my decision, now I must find the strength to stand by it. Everything changes, its time I did too.
Quote: They say there is no such thing as a free lunch.They also say, that the best things in life are free.Ergo, lunch is not one of the best things in life.Amazing how relativity comes around and bites you in the ass, eh?
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