Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's a Lifestyle choice.

I once read somewhere, that you can either be right or you can be happy. The two somehow don't go together in most situations. I recently made a monumental decision in my life for which I'm currently facing this dilemma.

How is it, that something which makes a person happy is rarely the right thing to do? Like chocolate as an example, it makes people happy, it keeps you preppy, and yet people consider it wrong(in a way). Why can't something that makes us happy, co-exist by being the right thing to do? Is it so important to be right that we willingly over-ride our own happiness to achieve it?

The question here is basically choosing to follow one of two things, either follow your heart and be happy or follow your brain and be right. Now in trivial matters(like chocolate) you can easily follow your brain and be right, albeit slightly let down. But what happens when this question arises in greater matters? Like matters of love. Or war. Or relationships. Or money? Is it actually possible to over-ride what your heart says and listen to your brain?

In matters of love, its your heart that rules the roost. There is hardly any second say in that matter. But in these cases, sometimes, a time comes to choose between two things, and that is when the problems begin. Very few people realize how inhumanly hard it is to not listen to what ones heart screams and to turn a deaf ear to those yells and instead think rationally and logically with your brain and take a decision, the "right" decision, apparently. What happens to the cries of the heart then? Do they slowly die out or do they stay at war with the brain until the heart wins? I'll let you know as soon as I find out.

It's interesting to see how many people can sacrifice their own happiness just to be right. I might fall under that category, but then again, I feel that I might as well be wrong and happy than being sad and "right". As yourself this, what would you choose? Is your self-affirmation more important that self-fulfillment? Can you actually be comfortable being right and sad over happiness? You wouldn't know how hard it is to choose until you are faced with the situation yourself.

I faced it. I made my choice. I made the "right" choice. Now only time will tell if I can stick to it. And no one can know if it was correct.

"I'd far rather be happy than right any day." said Slartibartfast.
"And are you?" asked Arthur.
"No. That's where it all falls down, of course."
"Pity," replied Arthur, with sympathy, "It sounded like quite a good lifestyle otherwise."

-The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Now playing: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (Acous.)
via FoxyTunes

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